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Prohibition on dismissal of spouses of deceased participants of the Special Military Operation


On 04/06/2024, Federal Law No. 70-FZ dated 04/06/2024 came into force, supplementing the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with Article 264.1.

Now, an employer, on its own initiative, cannot fire the spouse of a person killed in action (or dead from a military injury) within one year from the date of his death.

Exceptions are provided:

  • if the employee remarried
  • if the employee has repeatedly committed gross violations of labor discipline
  • if the company is liquidated.

Previously, the ban on dismissal applied to women who have a child under the age of 3, raising a disabled child under the age of 18, and to single mothers/fathers.

This provision expands the existing package of social guarantees for the families of deceased Special Military Operation participants:

  • Simplified assignment of child benefits. They are issued without taking into account the income of the mobilized serviceman.
  • Additional survivor's pension for widows, widowers or parents of a military volunteer killed or missing in action.
  • Monthly monetary compensation to the family of a serviceman killed or missing in action as a result of participation in the Special Military Operation. The amount depends on the number of family members and the disability group of the deceased person.
  • Monthly allowance for children of a serviceman killed or missing in action as a result of participation in the Special Military Operation (accrued for each child).
  • Compensation for housing and communal services to the family of a serviceman killed or missing in action as a result of participation in the SVO. Reimbursement of 60% of the costs of paying monthly utility bills, one-time utilities and costs of installing a landline telephone.