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Changes in the legislation on military registration


On July 25, 2023, the Duma adopted a number of legislative changes regarding the organization of conscription for military service and measures of responsibility for violating the rules of military registration by citizens and organizations.

In particular, the new bills significantly increased the amounts of fines related to the employer's failure to comply with the rules for organizing the exchange of information with state bodies pertaining to the military registration of employees.

From October 01, 2023, failure to timely submit a list of employees subject to initial registration for military recordkeeping will entail a fine in the amount of 350 to 400 thousand rubles; failure to notify an employee about the conscription notice, or “failure to provide citizens with the opportunity to appear on time at the Military commissariat upon receiving a notice” - is also punishable by a fine of 350 to 400 thousand rubles. The most significant fine for the employer is provided for in case of failure to notify employees of the existence of a notice for conscription for military service under mobilization, or in the event of "failure to assist in the appearance" of the employee in the Military commissariat - from 400 to 500 thousand rubles.

The corresponding fines imposed on officials have been increased by an order of magnitude, from 1-3 to 40-50 thousand rubles.

The information required for conscription campaigns will be accumulated in two electronic registers, the Military Records Register and the Conscription Notices Register. Information will come from the Federal Tax Service, federal courts, medical and educational organizations. Information about conscription evaders and violators of military registration will also be sent there.

Taking into account the above innovations, the price of shortcomings in maintaining military records has sharply increased. At the same time, the process of changes has not been completed - officials have yet to determine the procedure for working with new electronic registers and electronic conscription notices, and organizations will have to monitor the changes and promptly adjust the military registration procedure.

If your company needs help in organizing and maintaining military records, please leave your request through the form on the website or our mailbox,